
Founded by Yiwen Zhao, Yiqian (Jessie) Zhao, Bryson Moore Supervised by Professor Christopher Le Dantec

Understanding the Problem

Getting through the airport is hard to plan for and has a wide range of possible wait times and delays. We wanted to find some way to expedite or streamline the process for travelers, no matter what stage of the process (check-in, security, food, boarding) we could affect.

Early User Research

We envisioned our primary stakeholders to be people who commute and travel with airports for work or leisure, at any frequency. We are specifically interested in affecting the process of planning for and navigating through the airport.

Therefore, we conducted user research through survey that collected demographics information and feedback on current airport systems.

Services used to expedite security clearance

App used to make airport experience better

Traveller experience for waiting at gate

Out of all stages of the airport, travelers were least satisfied with waiting at gate.

Most travelers do not use any service such as TSA Pre-check to expedite security clearance.

Most travelers only uses app for the airline that they frequently travel with.

The reported time planned to get to airport is more than the time needed to arrive at gate.

Key Insights

Significant amount of time is wasted due to the unpredictability of wait time for people traveling through the airport from airport check-in to boarding the airplane.

A white space in the market is found that a solution for time optimization at airport is not apparent to the public.


“Time is everything. I need to get to the place where I need to be at as soon as possible.”


By Yiwen

“I miss my family back home. I need to go home safely.”


“I want to have a romantic retirement trip with my wife for our 35th marriage anniversary.”


Task Analysis

  • The system is going to be used by airport travelers in two primary categories. The first category would be users that want to plan out their airport trip before their drive to the airport. The second category would be users that want to use the app for its wait times and statuses on an as needed basis. These users would typically not use the app preemptively but would rather use it to check security and restaurant wait times on the go, so that they can make quick but informed decisions.

  • Currently, target users arrive at the airport, go through security screening, get a meal or snack, and arrive at their gate to wait for their plane to leave. However, the process is currently shrouded with uncertainty. Travelers often get to the airport without prior knowledge of the wait times they’ll have to endure, particularly at security screening. In this sense, users are always tempting fate when going to the airport without a preconceived itinerary.

  • The app aims to improve visibility of airport operations so that long wait times can be planned for and dealt with preemptively, and before there are catastrophic consequences to your travel plans. The physical process of navigating the airport of course won’t change, but the added time security and deliberate steps will expedite the process and reduce cause for concern.

  • The tasks are already learned by frequent or even infrequent flyers, but our solution makes completing the subtasks of navigating the different checkpoints through the airport expedited and less stressful.

  • The tasks are performed at the airport and preemptively in the car on the way to the airport, or even at home before you leave for the airport. The tasks will be broken up by different checkpoints and locations in the airport. Check-in, security screening, getting food or souvenirs, and arriving at the gate are all sequentially executed at different locations within the airport.

  • The data that our app collects is mostly going to revolve around crowdsourced, estimated wait times and travel times to consider when going through the airport, For example, the app may show that the South security checkpoint has a 45-minute wait, while the North security checkpoint has just a 20-minute wait. The chief personal data that the app would collect is the travelers’ flight or itinerary data. This can be collected with something as simple as an airline / flight number input. The entire functionality of our app can now be contextualized with this data on a per-person basis.

  • Typically, airport travelers will have their air- line’s app that they can use to keep updated with the status of their flight, and whether or not there are delays or postponements. With this publicly available data, we can leverage this and implement the same info in our app, so that all of their flight info can be included and taken into account when planning an airport travel itinerary.

  • In the status quo, these tools don’t communicate with each other in an effective way, which gives us an opportunity to step in and make something that aggregates valuable data from a multitude of sources. For example, the app will be designed to have a user’s flight data saved in it so that it can always be considered when planning a time-sensitive itinerary.

  • This will depend on the user, but we will represent a wide range of use cases and frequency in our personas, from first-time flyers to frequent flyers. For those who travel rarely, a comprehensive planning feature will allow them to sequence their entire airport trip.

  • The process of getting through an airport will always be time-sensitive, so this is something that will always be crucial to the functionality and usability of our app. The app must have perfect uptime because it will so often be used in a hurry and on the go. An app that’s designed to mitigate stress can not compound stress by not working in its most important use cases.

  • When things go wrong, people miss their flights, and their short and long term travel plans are inconveniently altered at best, and completely ruined at worst. There often isn’t easy recourse in the worst-case scenario. While the app likely won’t have a distinct “failure state,” it is still possible for a traveler to run out of time and miss their flights.

By Bryson


By Jessie

Initial Wireframes

By Yiwen

This is the on-boarding process for the first time users. They will have to create an account or log in before using the full capability of the app. Once their credential is matched, they can start reading wait time information on the first tab of the main interface.

This is the on-boarding process for the first time users. They will not have to create an account or log in before using the full capability of the app. If they want, they can create an account by going to the profile tab on the lower right corner. The first thing the app is signifying them to do is inputting the flight number.

This is the map feature of the app. Users are allowed to freely explore the aiport by dragging the tapping on interactive elements. When the user has found a place they want to seek further information, they can click on the little dot next to the place of interest and a text bubble appears showing the wait time required at that place.

This is the airport travel plan customization process. Users are allowed to explore the different options they would like to do while at the airport (ex. Food, baggage claim). By selecting each steps in the airport, a plan is generated in the top right corner of the screen. After clicking on the “my plan“ button, users are able to see exactly how times are added up in each steps that they have selected.

This is an example of how the user would search directly for which stage of the boarding process they want to know the wait time for. They can then get a more detailed view of the stage with two options: adding to the plan and/or view the location of that stage in the airport.

App Workflow

By Yiwen, Bryson

Low-fidelity prototypes

By Yiwen

Heuristic Evaluation

We conducted usability testing for the initial prototypes to get a better idea on how the prototype aligns with the vision we have for our users. We introduced to the focus group the prototype along with the end user goals. Then we gave them two user-defined tasks and let them freely explore the prototype to complete the tasks. At the end, we present them with an exit survey to get a better understanding on what exactly they were thinking about while navigating through the prototype.

  • Some screens were missing back buttons and navigation tools, making it difficult to linearly navigate the prototype.

  • Customization for adding estimated time to plan is not intuitive to use.

  • Flight number input can be prone to errors.

Potential Problems

  • Implementing navigation buttons all screens to ensure every part of the app is navigable.

  • Refining color and typographical choices to increase aesthetic appeal of the prototype.

  • Making the process of editing existing plans and adding or removing stops more accessible.

Response Plan

Final Prototype

Users can scan their checked-in ticket instead of manually inputing in their flight information.

Customized and saved travel plan are easily accessible from the home page. Users can view the estimated wait time at a glance.

For the users that want to manually input in their flight information, a calendar view appears after tapping on the search bar. This allows the search function to have minimal user input error for date entry.

A panel of all the wait time in every steps from check-in to baggage claim is shown from the home page.

PrepAir also supports food ordering and reminding the user how long they have until the food is ready. User can also view the location of the restaurant from a built in map without having to leave the app.

A parking reminder is also available for users who have parked a car in the parking structure in the airport.

Travel plan modal view allows the users to view their airport experience at a closer detail. Users can also access their boarding pass straight from this view.

Editing the travel plan is easier to use compared to the low-fidelity prototype. Users can change and/or add different steps of the boarding process to fit their need.

A built-in map that is specifically designed for airport allows the users to explore and understand where the things they care the most are (food, check-in counters, etc.).

Wait time is also available when users tap on the individual icon on the map.

Front-end development

PrepAir is currently under development through my junior design capstone class at Georgia Tech. The app is currently completely written in Swift and here is a sneak peek at the current front-end development progress that I have made using SwiftUI.



